作者有话要说: 有两个英语引文还挺长的,不放在正文占字数,小可爱们看这里的注释一和注释二:
no,‘tis not so deep as well,nor so wide as a church door;but \'tis enough,‘twill serveask for tomorrow,you will find a grave mani am peppered,i warrant,for this worlda plague o\' both your houses! zounds, a dog,a rat,a mouse,a cat,to scratch a man to death!a braggart, a rogue,a villain,that fights by the book of arithbsp;why the devil came you between usi was hurt under your arm
two of the fairest stars in all the heaven,
having some business,do e her eyes
to twinkle in their spheres till they return
what if her eyes were there,they in her head
the brightness of her cheek would shame those stars
as daylight doth a lamp;her eyes in heaven
would through the airy region stream sht
that birds would sing and think it were not night
see how she leans her cheek upon her hand!
o that i were a glove upon that hand
that i bsp;that cheek
……感谢在2021-10-20 13:20:23~2021-10-23 00:48:50期间为我投出霸王票或灌溉营养液的小天使哦~
感谢灌溉营养液的小天使:薄荷酒巧 20瓶;现在及他日 3瓶;大南瓜、李唐宋朝 2瓶;
这一天晚上, 珍卿用一个神话故事,哄好了娇娇小姑娘,她和三哥正要上楼时, 忽听大门外一阵动静, 阿永背着杜教授回来了。《十字街心》的魏经纶先生也来了。
魏先生说杜教授托他订了本东洋名著《源氏物语》,一直着急要看,书一到就连夜去取。取到书后,心不在焉地下台阶, 然后就崴了脚。
谢董事长一出来, 赶紧叫管家把杜教授抬进屋里,叫花匠老刘过来, 给先生拿药酒揉揉——花匠老刘最会干这个。
珍卿去杜教授床前,好赖充当一会孝女,这杜教授一点不受疼, 当着妻女的面儿, 一惊一乍哼哈没完的。
谢董事长是真担心, 说杜教授不该这么不当心。
神神秘秘,鬼鬼祟祟, 联想一下觉得好滑稽。杜教授这样嗲性儿的人,总不见得去干革命了吧。
珍卿回到房间里,见桌上多了一个纸轴,“咦”一声打开看, 是《宋拓兰亭》定武本,“湍、流、带、左、右”,五个字都没有损佚的。
她心里欣喜, 肯定是三哥送来的,小心地看一会儿。想到杜教授不管什么事,三哥多半是知情的。